Michael Pope is a DTM and is certified at the highest level as an International John Maxwell Team Speaker, Trainer, and Coach and serves on the marketing faculty for Leadership Author and Expert John C. Maxwell.

Kay Fittes is the founder and CEO of High-Heeled Success, LLC, specializing in training, keynote presentations, and coaching for individuals eager for professional development. Her registered trademark, High-Heeled Success®, is a system for empowering individuals to command a competitive edge in the workplace.

Megan Hurley joined Toastmasters in 2018. Recently, Megan was a featured speaker at the Sing Your Heart Song Summit & speaks regularly as an Ambassador for the San Diego Brain Injury Foundation.

Jim Emery, The Vocal Jim, is a speaker and singer coach with over 30 years of experience in voice and performance coaching. As the District 106 2019 Toastmaster of the Year, Jim has been a featured education speaker in Districts 6, 8, 38, 83, and 106.

Francisco José Palacio D., DTM, has been tinkering with the opportunities modern Groupware affords, as far as he can remember - fast forward to today, what with these technologies now being utilized to their full extent, not only as part of our regular meetings, but also as part of our daily tasks at work.

Don Schulze is a three-time Distinguished Toastmaster and was selected as District 40's Area Director of the Year, Division Director of the Year, and Toastmasters of the Year.

Mike Davis helps you become a more confident, influential and persuasive speaker, whether you're in-person or online.
Marcie Littlejohn, DTM is a native of Columbus, Ohio and been a member of Toastmaster’s since 2016. She is the youngest of three and has been working in the recruiting and hiring capacity for over 20 years. She has had the privilege of assisting a variety of people with obtaining employment and believes that it’s the best gift to give a person. You get 24 hours in a day, 730.49 hours a month, and 8,765.82 a year, and most of our time as adults is spent working. Wouldn’t you want to do something you love?
If the pandemic has taught it’s anything it’s allowed us to realize the value of time, how we spend our time, and if we are in a career that we genuinely love. It is her opinion that the best thing you can give a person is education and a career that they love. Because the reality is that you can never take away a persons’ education and when you have a career you love, it never feels like work. Today she will talk to you about how interviewing hasn’t shifted for an interviewee, there are tips that are relevant to landing your desired career with an employer who will respect you and your time.
Littlejohn and her fiancé David are proud parents of three, David II, 20, Nadia, 7, and Kaidance, 6. When she is not working to assist people with leading the change they want to see, she enjoys reading, traveling, spending time with her family, and seeking ways to get to the beach. She enjoys being in the presence of like-minded individuals and looks forward to assisting her community with becoming financially fit and leaving family legacies.