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Saturday, April 24, 2021 - 11:20 AM - 12:05 PM
Room: TBD

Create a Podcast:  Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid of the Scariest Level 4 Project in Pathways

Every Path has a Level 4 project:  Create a Podcast.  But how many skip right over it?  Too much work?  Too much money?  Too much time? 

If you have a message, podcasting is the most effective way to get it out.  

  • So how do you get started?  

  • What’s a reasonable budget?  

  • How do you pick your topic and find your audience?


Kim Krajci DTM of the podcast Toastmasters 101 (of District 10 in northeast Ohio) has been podcasting about Toastmasters since 2014.  Not the longest-running Toastmasters podcast, but consistently at the top of the Toastmasters podcasts, she's here to share tips, tricks, referrals, and a great handout to help you understand the project and why you should do it. Join her for a presentation that will help you to take your message to change the world.

Saturday, April 24, 2021 - 11:20 AM - 12:05 PM

Arlene Koth, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

Room: TBD

Stop Feeling Good and Start Doing Good

Racial inequity is real. It is hard to acknowledge and even harder to fix. We often talk about wanting change, but we don’t always know what to do or if we are fully committed to the “doing” part. This workshop will lay out some uncomfortable truths about why progress has been so slow and give you some practical real-life steps you can take to move us to a more equitable society.

Saturday, April 24, 2021 - 11:20 AM - 12:05 PM
Michael Pope Profile.png

Michael Pope, DTM

Room: TBD        

The Keys to Developing The DRIVE to Be Financially Fit

In this interactive workshop participants will learn:

  • A practical solution and strategy for getting out of debt.

  • How to develop the DRIVE to become debt-free.

  • A better understanding of how to create a budget

  • A better understanding of the importance of savings and long term thinking

Learn more about budgeting here (

Saturday, April 24, 2021 - 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Sandy Vogele, DTM PID

Room: TBD        

Mentoring Inside and Outside of Toastmasters

Mentoring is a keystone in Toastmasters and in life. We all have been influenced by or been an

influence on people either informally or through a formal program. Although forms change or programs change, the basics of being a positive mentor remain constant.  This session while focusing on mentoring other Toastmaster members and will include the Pathways Mentor Program, it has applications to life situations in general.


Past International Director Sandy Vogele, DTM, began her Toastmasters career at Forest City Toastmasters in London, Ontario, Canada in March 1989 and still remembers her first mentor.  She has been a member of Toastmaster clubs in two countries (Canada and the USA). Sandy has served in leadership roles from club level to International.


Sandy is married to Past International Director Jim Vogele DTM and lives in Cincinnati, OH.  Jim is responsible for her moving from Canada when they were married in January 1989.  Sandy currently serves as a part-time pastor at Red Lion United Methodist Church.


Mentoring is a passion of Sandy’s both inside and outside of Toastmasters.  In Toastmasters, Sandy has served as a mentor to new members and experienced members both for developing as communicators and leaders.

Saturday, April 24, 2021 - 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Mike Davis, Speaking CPR

Room: TBD

Avoid ZOOM Burnout: How to Be an Engaging Online Presenter Others WANT to Watch

One year ago, you were thrust into an uncomfortable position of
learning how to become an effective online presenter.
This is a challenge because there are major differences between
‘live’ and virtual presenting. However, if you embrace this
challenge, you’ll create more opportunities for your business and
your career.

In this presentation, you’re going to pick up skills used by the
most effective online presenters. You will discover how to:

  • Overcome your biggest online presentation obstacle

  • Keep your viewers engaged from start-to-finish

  • Pick up valuable information that will improve your next


Implement the valuable ideas you pick up in this program and
you’ll become a more confident, engaging, and influential online

Saturday, April 24, 2021 - 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

David Jones, DTM

Room: TBD

The Toastmasters and Rotary Partnership

David will show how Toastmasters and Rotary came together for him in his HPL project to provide water and sanitation for a village in Uganda.  last month, in March, he coordinated a multi-district effort to showcase Toastmasters to over 200 President Elects of Rotary Clubs in Ohio.  

There are opportunities to convert Rotarians to join Toastmaster clubs and also for Toastmasters to join Rotary clubs, sign up to learn more.

Sunday, April 25, 2021 - 9:50 AM - 10:35 AM

Kay Fittes, CEO, High-Heeled Success, LLC

Room: TBD

Women Kicking Fears to the Curb for Success

Fear is that monster that often lurks under the surface of career and leadership advancement. You want a new job; you want to go for promotion; you want to expand your business, BUT, you are afraid. The "what if's" are rampant. Fear can cause paralysis!  You can learn to fight your fears and win. You will leave armed with:

  • Fear truths that will shift your view of fear

  • Gender realizations that will catapult your career

  • Magic phrases (almost) to burst through fear

  • A game plan for your fear overhaul


Empower yourself and other women to fight the fear factor.

Speaker Bio

Sunday, April 25, 2021 - 9:50 AM - 10:35 AM

Kathy Donavan, DTM, PDD

Room: TBD

Run The Race

Every good run has a starting line and a finish line.  Learn how to prep and start off ‘on the right foot’, run the race at your pace, then finish with a flourish.
Kathy experienced club life as a member, held each of the club offices, and then went on to being a district officer for 7 years.  She is currently the District 40 Education and Training Chair, leading a committee of leaders who are empowering themselves to bring great consistency and quality to our Club Officer Training program as well as the district level Toastmaster Leadership Institutes and the Annual District Conference.  She is passionate about finding ways to improve what is occurring in an organization, and with the individuals in it, and sharing that in a clear, engaging way so we all find benefits that last a lifetime.

Sunday, April 25, 2021 - 9:50 AM - 10:35 AM

Sheryl Roush, DTM, PDG, AS, CVP

Room: TBD

How to Earn Toastmasters Accredited Speaker Designation

Want to know how to earn the Toastmasters professional speaking credential?
And why you would WANT to …

Discover how the updated AS Program is Valuing Our Virtues in a Virtual Space

The Toastmasters International Accredited Speaker Program is designed for professional presenters – speakers, trainers, lecturers – who combine expert knowledge in a particular subject with mastery of the spoken word, making them sought-after experts in their respective fields. If this describes you, you may already be qualified to apply for the Program. 

In this engaging educational session, you will:
•    Understand the Program Rules and updates for virtual presentations
•    Learn insights and suggestions to pass the FIRST time
•    Be inspired to begin the journey to professional speaking

PRIOR to the session, download the 2021 Accredited Speaker Handbook covering the Rules, Application and Judges Ballot here:


Sheryl Roush is CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., and was the youngest woman to earn the elite AS designation. She is also the author of the Heart of a Toastmaster book, which earned Best Anthology from the Int’l Book Awards.

Speaker Bio


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