Crushing the Interview: Unlocking Your Potential to Land That Dream Job!
Blaine Little
Interviews; they’re not just for jobs anymore. Whether you are finding a new employer, or asking for a raise, promotion or transfer within your current organization, interviewing skills are make it or break it moments. In this session, Blaine Little will walk you through some best practices as well as issues to avoid. This will be an interactive workshop.

Presented by
Blaine Little

Business trainer, public speaker, and best-selling author Blaine Little has been training for the better part of two decades. As founder and CEO of Momentum Seminars Training & Coaching, he has taught THOUSANDS of business professionals across the country. Blaine is a Certified National Trainer (CNT) as well as a two-time DTM. He is known for keeping presentations light and fun. After all, that’s how people learn. The fact that he is a professional magician doesn’t hurt either! For more information, visit MomentumSeminars.com